With gratitude for the work of the Spirit in our Congregation over the last year, First Baptist has moved to in-person sanctuary worship in May, together with other in-person building uses. After three weeks of “soft opening” and limited capacity, May 23 marks a fuller return to our Sunday schedule. Throughout the summer months, we will continue to build our in-person offerings, increase capacity, and resume other elements of our ministry as safe and advisable.

This plan is both careful and hopeful, and will continue the practices of planning, evaluation, and healthy experimentation we have utilized throughout this pandemic. Special thanks to our COVID-19 Task Force for their leadership, and to our entire congregation for the creativity, faithfulness and commitments to safety and inclusion that have characterized this last year, and will continue to carry us forward.

While all are welcome to attend, we will continue to sign-up for worship services through June 6, Senior Sunday, imagining that attendance will not exceed 30% Sanctuary capacity. To sign-up for worship services, call the church office, or fill out an online reservation form here.


In-person services on Sundays at 10:30. All are encouraged to sign-up to attend one of these three Sunday services with a limited capacity of 200/service, or 20% occupancy. You may sign-up by calling the church office, or filling out an online reservation form here.

Childcare and Children’s activities for the worship hour will be provided for the first time on Sunday, May 16.

Music and worship leadership will be provided safely.

Primary entrance and exit through the Sanctuary Narthex, with secondary entrance/exit at atrium for those preferring a ramp.

Bathrooms available in emergencies on West hallway.

Services will conclude with processional to the front steps and lawn, where we will share music, passing of the peace, and fellowship.

Online services will air on Sundays at 10:30 on Facebook and fbcgso.org, through Livestream. Services will remain accessible any time following, as well.

Sunday Bible Study

Live teaching in the Outdoor Chapel at 9:30, also streaming to Facebook and fbcgso.org. In the event of rain, live teaching in the Chapel.

Large rooms will be provided for up to 4 classes (2 before worship and 2 after) each Sunday. Individual classes are encouraged to coordinate with their worship attendance. Space requests made with Church Office (336-274-3286 or admin@fbcgso.org).


Worship folders for children of all ages provided every Sunday. Childcare and Junior Church offered on Sunday, May 16.


Continued Sunday evening gatherings. Attendance and leadership as part of Sunday morning congregation.

Groups & Meetings

In addition to outdoor space, small groups and outside groups are invited to utilize large indoor spaces with limited capacity (20%) and may request space by calling the Church Office or emailing admin@fbcgso.org.


Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall open to rehearsals.


Increased capacity to 100 for Sanctuary funerals.


Staff increasing overlapping in-person work.

Safety Protocols 

Commitment to our updated Gathering Covenant for all, including masking, distance, and recorded attendance.


In-person worship service at 10:30. All are welcome to attend. Based on the number of unique attendees the first 3 weeks of May, attendance is not expected to exceed 30% Sanctuary capacity. 

Worship concludes outside with post-service gathering and fellowship on the front lawn.

Summer worship services to feature different ministries of our church in leadership each week, celebrating the life and ministry of our church as we gather in-person again.

Online service airing at 10:30 on Facebook and fbcgso.org, through Livestream, with improving technical quality throughout the summer.

Sunday Bible Study

Live teaching in the Chapel at 9:30, also streaming to Facebook and fbcgso.org. In the event of rain, live teaching in the Chapel.

Large rooms provided for individual classes each Sunday. Space requests made with Church Office (336-274-3286 or admin@fbcgso.org).


Childcare and Junior Church (in the Fellowship Hall) during worship.

A schedule of safe, reimagined summer activities including Passport, VBS, and Worship In the Arts Camp.


Continued participation in worship.

Continued Sunday evening gathering for Formation & Youth Choir.

A schedule of safe, reimagined summer activities including Passport, local Mission week, and other opportunities for community and service.

Groups & Meetings

Outdoor space open.

Indoor space open with limited capacity (30%), with capacity increasing as health advisories allow. Space requests made with Church Office (336-274-3286 or admin@fbcgso.org).


Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall open to rehearsals.


Increased capacity to 100 for Sanctuary funerals, with capacity increasing as health advisories allow.

Safety Protocols 

Commitment to our Gathering Covenant for all, including masking, distance, and recorded attendance. As of May 23, masks are considered optional outdoors, and in small groups of adults at the discretion of the group. Adjustments will be made to Gathering Covenant as advisable.

First Baptist Greensboro’s COVID-19 Task Force includes Deacons Adam Barnes, Seth Hix, Debbie Huneycutt, Janice Newsom, Brad Wall and Dave Worsley as well as Pastoral Staff Alan Sherouse, Doug Vancil and Courtney Willis. To contact the Task Force, use taskforce@fbcgso.org.