About Us
A welcoming community of faith devoted to worship, spiritual formation and holistic ministry to our community and our wider world.
Our common profession is “Jesus is Lord.” We embrace theology that makes space for the diversity that exists in God’s world. We believe that following Jesus includes a commitment to love our neighbors and make known the kingdom on earth as in heaven. We value multi-generational relationships and open discussions about life and faith. We affirm that “the earth is the Lord’s” and therefore every person is a steward or manager of God’s creation. We function through methods of congregational governance so that there is great transparency in finance and other matters related to the priorities of the church.
On Worship: We gather for one common worship service, Sundays at 10:30am. We use interactive and classic forms to help worshippers touch the transcendent and offer their best to God.
On Spiritual Development: We provide Bible Study and other learning and growing experiences for people of ALL ages.
On Fellowship: Other than food, our emphasis is on everyone being connected to a class or group that is caring, encouraging, playful and real.
On Ministry: Every believer is a minister and there are dozens of opportunities to love our neighbors through direct service, missions and public witness.