Adult Music Ministry
Summer Choir | Sundays June 16, 30, July 14, 28 & August 11, 18 at 9:45 am
Ever wanted to see what the choir is all about? Summer Choir is a perfect place to try it out! Just show up on a Sunday morning listed at 9:45 am at the choir loft to learn an anthem to sing in worship. Come one, come all! Questions? Contact Seth Hix (
Handbells | 6 – 6:45 pm | September – May
The Adult Handbell Choir is an ensemble of energetic and focused adults who love to ring handbells! The handbell choir will ring in worship every first Sunday of the month combining with the FBC brass ensemble on communion Sundays. (Brass players, let us know who you are!)
Sanctuary Choir | 7 – 8:15 pm | Sanctuary | September – May
The Sanctuary Choir is the anchor of music ministry at First Baptist Church and is open to all adults. College students are especially welcome! This group sings a wide variety of choral music as they lead regularly in Sunday worship services. Special seasons of the church year afford opportunities to present larger choral works.
Interested in being a part of Handbell or Sanctuary Choir? Please contact
Youth & Children Music Ministry
YOUTH CHOIR | September – May
As part of Sunday Evenings at FBC, Youth will gather together to sing as a part of the youth Sunday evening programming starting at 4:30 pm.
CHILDREN’S CHOIR | September – May
Our PreK and Children Choir gather to sing on Wednesday evenings as a part of Midweek at 6:15 pm.