About Missions
Missions at FBC
Learn deeply. Live fully. Love generously. After all, Jesus did.
At First Baptist, we encourage each other to learn more deeply how to be all of who God created us to be, both as individuals and together as a church family. We strive to live fully in the light and love of God by loving God with all we have been given (heart, soul, mind, resources, time) and by generously loving our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40).
Broadly speaking, our First Baptist Church family has worked in partnership to:
- Feed the Hungry: Meals on Wheels, Greensboro Urban Ministry food pantry collection, the Community Garden at FBC, BackPack Beginnings, Grace Community Fellowship Meals, Rise Against Hunger
- Shelter those in life’s storm: Women’s Winter Emergency Shelter, year-round YWCA Family Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, New Arrivals Institute, Community Housing Solutions, Disaster Relief giving
- Address the problem of poverty and support those who suffer with fewer resources: Greensboro Urban Ministry, Interactive Resource Center, Wheels4Hope, StepUp Ministry, Bessemer Elementary, Hope Academy, Rosewood Tutoring
- Welcome the Stranger: Piedmont International Fellowship, New Arrivals Institute
- Care for the Widows and Orphans: Baptist Children’s Homes, Meals on Wheels, Mission Dignity
- Share the Love of Christ:
- Support of our missionaries: the Vaughans, Barbees, Daltons, and Tommeys;
- Support our denominational missions partners: CBF, CBF NC, Metanoia; Youth for Christ, WMU
We invite you to be a part of our missions ministry as we work together to be Christ’s hands and feet in our hurting world. For more information, please contact Associate Pastor of Missions and Community, Buck Cochran (buck@fbcgso.org)
Opportunities to Serve
the Community Garden at FBC
Purpose of The Community Garden at FBC:
Sending healthy food to those in need
Honor and comfort with fresh flowers
All inclusive, whether you are 2 or 92
Reaching out to the community
Educating while having fun with planting
and harvesting, including programs for children,
families, youth and adults
Learn more about how to be a part of the Community Garden here.
Grace Fellowship Meals
1st Wednesdays FBC serves the Grace Fellowship Meal to the hungry in our community to the 1st Wednesdays of the month. On Tuesday evening the team gathers in the FBC kitchen to prepare the meal for Wednesday, then delivers and serves the meal on Wednesday evening. Join this community.
Contact: Gayle Wiley
Greensboro Urban Ministry Food Pantry
FBC is a collection site for non-perishable food for the GUM Food Pantry. Collection bins are in the Atrium and Children’s Wing. Bring items every time you come to church.
Contact: Robert Angell
Meals on Wheels
FBC has been delivering Meals on Wheels (formally called Mobil Meals) for over 60 years to people in our community who need meals and are unable to cook for themselves. The FBC delivery day is the 3rd Friday of every month at 9:30 am, 1401 Benjamin Parkway. Volunteers are needed to drive an assigned route each month or you can volunteer as a sub.
Rosewood Tutoring
September–May | Tuesdays, 4:15–5:15 p.m. Volunteer each week or be a substitute tutor for kids living in the Rosewood neighborhood.
Contact: Adair Suggs
StepUp Ministry
2nd Sunday of each month Donate clothing and accessories to StepUp to support their Job Readiness Training program. Bring all donations to the Atrium.
Contact: Ashley Chandler
Winter Emergency! Shelter for Women
December–March | FBC partners with other congregations to provide shelter for women in the Greensboro community who are experiencing homelessness. FBC members volunteer at the shelter, provide meals for the guests and donate supplies.
Learn how to get involved this Winter Season here
Contact: Geneva Metzger
Winter Emergency! Shelter for Women
The Woman’s Missionary Union of First Baptist Church is part of a national organization that was organized in 1888 and has become the largest Protestant organization for women in the world, with a membership of approximately 1 million. From the beginning, WMU’s main purpose has been to educate and involve women, girls, and preschoolers in the cause of Christian missions. It accomplishes these purposes primarily through age-level organizations that study about missions, pray for missions, and seek opportunities to do missions locally and around the world. WMU at First Baptist is active and there are several groups you can participate in to serve and “do” missions work.
WMU Group 2 – meet 1st Tuesday at 3:00 pm
Contact: Libby Shull or Martha Hicks
WMU Group 3 – meet 2nd Tuesday at 9:30 am, room 102
Contact: Jolyn Kelley or Marie Binder
YWCA Family Shelter
The Family Shelter for the homeless at the YWCA is open year-round and is located at 1807 East Wendover Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27405.
There are several ways you can help:
- Prepare and serve dinner on the 3rd Monday of the month. All menu plans are appreciated. (30 adults and children; no background check required.)
- Collect money to purchase and serve ready-to-eat meals or donate money and we will make arrangements to serve a meal in your name.
You can also:
- Donate cleaning and paper supplies, cereal, juice, coffee, sugar & creamer, iced tea or lemonade mix, gift cards (small amounts) for gas, movies, or recreational events where the parents can spend time with their children.
- Volunteer to work with and entertain the children by reading, story telling, playing games, craft projects, etc.
If you are interested in interacting with the families (direct activities with the kids, not just serving dinner), you will need to fill out an application and obtain a background check (if not within the last year). Such a check would be a prerequisite for many FBC activities involving children, as well.
Background CheckWe would love to have you as part of this ministry at the Y.
Locally, FBC members have participated in:
- VBS and Tutoring – Rosewood Community/Neighborhood
- Serving meals to our friends who live outside – Agape Meal at FBC, Community Dinners, and Grace Community Church
- Winter Emergency (WE!) Shelter for homeless women and also the YWCA Family Shelter
- Food Drives for Greensboro Urban Ministry and other ministries
- Sponsoring Montagnard Refugees
- Serving dinners and working with families at Pathways
- Building affordable housing through Habitat for Humanity
- And numerous other projects in which individuals and classes participate.
National & International participation by FBC members includes:
- Habitat for Humanity building trip to Jordan
- An evangelism trip to Tacna, Peru
- Church construction in Temuco, Chile
- Music and mission trip to work with the Roma Gypsy people in Hungary
- Construction on the Village of Hope, a ministry to street kids in Kiev, Ukraine
- High School youth trips to Romania and Hungary
- Middle & High School summer mission trips (Boston, Charleston, Atlanta, Pennsylvania)