At First Baptist, we are committed to following Jesus’ example by welcoming children into our church family. During a child’s infancy, we covenant with parents to be partners with them in nurturing their child and in helping them grow to know and love Jesus as friend, Savior and Lord. Our varied programs for children are directed toward that end.

Contact Information: Amy Starr Russell, Children’s Minister


Our theme this year is “Imagine” coming from Ephesians 3:20-21 which says “God can do anything, you know – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! God does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, the Spirit deeply and gently within us.”
Amid the school year, we want to share a prayer, written by Rev. Amy Starr Russell.  May you take this prayer with you throughout the school year!

Weekly Children’s Opportunities

Sunday school for all ages at 9:30 am
Junior Church during Worship (for 1st grade and younger)

Faith 101March 2, 9, 23, & 30


Midweek Meal at 5:15 pm
Children’s Music, Missions, and Stories from 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Adult Offering from 6:00 – 7:00 pm

No Midweek on 2/5 or 4/16.

Upcoming Children’s Opportunities


23 | fbcKids Merge Bowling


14-16 | fbcKids Winter Retreat


Summer 2025
23-26 | Passport Kids (for 3rd-5th graders)


14-17 | Vacation Bible School



Serving & Volunteering with Children’s Ministry

As we welcome new babies, children, and their families to our church, our ministry to children is growing! With all of this wonderful growth, our volunteer needs are growing as well. From rocking newborn babies to playing with preschoolers, we need your help during the worship hour. Would you consider giving just a few Sundays volunteering in Nursery caring for our youngest children during worship?

Witness infants’ wonder up close
Giggle while you play with toddlers
Help children know God’s great love for them

No matter your age or ability, there is a place for you! We hope you will partner with our growing children’s ministry. We will provide any training and materials. To provide the safest and most secure environment possible, all ministry partners must be approved through FBCs Policy for Volunteers with Minors and Vulnerable Adults.