Upward Basketball and Cheerleading at First Baptist Greensboro

Greetings Upward families,

​Our church staff, leaders and I have been in prayer and deliberations for our upcoming Upward season. The “unknown” has us taking a very cautious approach for the safety of you and especially your children. With that in mind, we have decided to cancel the season of Upward as normally planned. However, there could still be possibilities for open gym, winter camps, or possible age appropriate games for times in January and February. We are actively evaluating our options and will remain in contact with you.

​For 13 years, First Baptist’s Upward ministry has been a great way to worship, socialize, exercise, and form everlasting relationships. It remains a fantastic community with great momentum looking toward the future. We plan to pick up next year right where we left off.

Please pray for healing in our unprecedented time of which our community and our country is going through. And please know that in this crisis, our children’s safety is always first and foremost.


Tommy Starnes
Upward Director



Any questions?

Contact Tommy Starnes (basketball)– tstarnes@triad.rr.com
Contact Shannon Childs (cheerleading)– sdchilds@triad.rr.com