Last Wednesday night I asked the youth to wander quietly around the front yard of FBC, to soak in the beauty surrounding them, and then to write a prayer (on the back of these cards) thanking God for providing for their needs.
This all blossomed from a portion of an assignment I had undertaken for one of my classes at Campbell. Over the semester, we have looked at a text that has had significant influence on our lives—mine is Matthew 6:19-34—and we have looked at these texts from many different angles.
Part of our final assignment was to create a dynamic paraphrase that could be understood in our context of ministry. And since my context is Youth Ministry, I felt compelled to put Jesus’ admonition in this passage—summarized as “don’t worry, trust God”—into the following verse:
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WOW!! How Powerful. Thank you Steve & young adults for putting yourselves out there even for us adults. ALL of you ROCK!