Our sermons this summer focus on the parables of Jesus. The brilliant scholar of parables, Bernard Brandon Scott, has said that in the parables Jesus inspires his listeners to “reimagine the world.” It can be so easy amidst injustice and suffering to become resigned to the state of the world-as-it-is. But Jesus always saw beyond this and envisioned the world-as-it-could-yet-be — what he called “the kingdom of God” or “the kingdom of heaven.” He prayed that it would come “to earth as it is in heaven.” He gave his whole life to making it so. And he inspired his followers to imagine this possibility by teaching them in the way most vivid, accessible and transformative: through parables.

Join us in worship this Summer as we consider again the parables of Jesus, seeing how we might be inspired again to imagine and work for The World As It Could Be.  

Sermons available at fbcgso.org/sermons