Faces of Faith
Midweek @FBC during Lent

During Lent, we will gather in the chapel each Wednesday night at 6:20pm to learn more about each other and more about our faith.

Each week several church members will share their stories of how they have experienced God in their lives. We will all be challenged to “clothe ourselves” with the traits of Colossians 3:12: compassion, kindness, humility, patience and endurance. Through learning more about those who make up our congregation, we will learn more about who God is calling us to be. 

Opportunities for Worship

Ash Wednesday, March 6  |  6:30 pm  |  Sanctuary
Mark the beginning of the Lenten Season with a church-wide service of confessional prayer and imposition of ashes. There will be childcare for children 2 and younger.  Children 3 years old through 5th grade will go to class at 6:00.  Music class will take place from 6-6:40 with the children being led into the service at 6:45.  

Sundays during Lent  |  10:30am
Instead of letting go or giving something up this Lenten Season, we invite you to explore what it might be like to take on new attributes of Christ. 

Wednesday, April 17  |  6pm
A Family Pilgrimage Service will include a church-wide dinner and communion in the Fellowship Hall, with a time of worship in both the Prayer Garden and the Sanctuary.

Good Friday, April 19  |  12:30pm 
“The Way of the Cross” Service in the Chapel following a light soup lunch in Room 102 served at noon.

This Lenten season at First Baptist Greensboro, instead of only giving things up we’re putting things on. In the epistle of Colossians, God’s holy and beloved are urged, “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another, and if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” (Colossians 3:12-14)

The season of Lent is a season of repentance and renewal in preparation for Easter. For 40 days (plus Sundays), Christians spend time considering the love of God in Christ, and how we can more fully follow in the way of Jesus. This year, we’re considering the traits listed in Colossians as the marks of this “new life of love” to which God has called us through the resurrection of Christ. Each Sunday in worship, we will focus on a different theme and how we can take it on in our own lives. We hope you will be with us throughout the season of Lent as we seek to clothe ourselves with love.