by First Baptist | Jun 26, 2017 | Blog Page, FBC Stories, FBCGSO, Mission Moments, Shreveport, Youth, Youth - Missions
They brought snickerdoodles. Flanked by her sisters, the oldest one came bearing the treasure, and all 3 were escorted by their dad. Why had they come? They were wondering the same about us. Why had we come all the way to Shreveport—14 hours in 2 days on a bus—from...
by First Baptist | Jul 28, 2015 | FBC Stories, Mission Moments
by Gary Beech I would like to share an exciting program I took part in last summer. It is called the Stephen Ministry and participants attend classes at the United Methodist Church Center under the direction of Chaplain Frank Dew. The purpose of this program is to...
by First Baptist | Aug 5, 2015 | Community, Mission Moments |
If you use the Atrium as your customary way of getting into Church, you may have already noticed a little extra excitement on 2nd Sunday mornings. For a year or so this has been the day we collect clothes donations for one of our partner ministries, StepUp...
by admin | Jul 4, 2015 | FBC Stories, Mission Moments, Youth - Missions |
So many people. Every single day. On the subway, on the sidewalk, on the street. As I became more accustomed to these new modes of transportation, they became blurs rushing by as we raced from one place to the next. If they’d just get out of the way… How...
by First Baptist | Nov 5, 2015 | FBC Stories
“I could not tell who the First Baptist congregation members were and who were the guests invited for dinner,” were words shared by a visitor of our first Agape meal. It was the biggest compliment I could have heard about our meal. The idea of the Agape meal was to...