“My hands feel sticky,” I said to Steve as I attempted in vain to wipe sugar residue from my fingers. I heard a few more voices mutter “Thank you” over the din of the crowded room. “Yeah,” Steve replied, “It gets everywhere.” “Got any more creamer?” a gruff voice...
She sits at the table and screams. Aiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!!! The first time you hear it, you’d be crazy not to glance over. Is everything okay? Oh, it’s just a kid screaming near your table at Applebee’s. But you glance again when you realize it’s a 6 year-old kid. Mom...
So many people. Every single day. On the subway, on the sidewalk, on the street. As I became more accustomed to these new modes of transportation, they became blurs rushing by as we raced from one place to the next. If they’d just get out of the way… How...
When I look back over the time that God has given me, I stand amazed at how gracious God is and how he blessed me. Since I started for the kingdom, since my life He controls, since I gave my heart to Jesus, the longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows. I joined the...
“I could not tell who the First Baptist congregation members were and who were the guests invited for dinner,” were words shared by a visitor of our first Agape meal. It was the biggest compliment I could have heard about our meal. The idea of the Agape meal was to...