As Summer comes to a close, we hope you were able to read our Summer book read! Our first night of discussion will be September 4 – the same night as MidWeek returns (so get your reservation for dinner now!). For the rest of September, we’ll be having a “book club” around our book, Life of the Beloved. Come for one or all the weeks! Looking forward to being back with you all and discussing how this book impacted our summer!
All FBC adults are encouraged to spend the summer months of June-August to read Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen. The summer is a great time to listen for God’s voice in our hearts, and be reminded that we are beloved children of God. This book invites us to think about our spiritual lives as we become more attentive to who God has created us to be, how God blesses us, and how we are called to affirm and bless others.
As you read the book, ask others around you about what they think about the book and how they are learning more about “belovedness”. Throughout the summer, there will be opportunities for reflection on Facebook and Instagram as well. On Wednesday night, September 4, we will gather as a congregation to discuss the ideas in the book and how we might grow individually and collectively through this shared reading.
Even if you are not able to read our summer congregational book, please pick up a Life of the Beloved Summer Guide. This booklet will break down each chapter with thoughts, questions and activities for you to do throughout the summer. It can be completed individually, as a family, or even with beloved friends. The guides will be available in the fellowship hall, the library, and in the atrium beginning June 2.
You may purchase your copy by contacting Rosemary Kellam: | x126. Books are available Wednesday evenings at dinner and the rest of the week in the church office.