November is our annual Stewardship Season, when we consider the ways we will commit our finances, talents, time, and energy to God through the ministry of our church in the year ahead. 

Our theme for Stewardship this year is “Blessed Are You,” inspired by Jesus’ blessing of his followers in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12). 

Father Gregory Boyle has said that Jesus’ words, “Blessed are you,” might be better translated as “You’re in the right place.” Fr. Boyle observes that “The Beatitudes are not as much a spirituality as a geography. They tell us where to stand.” When we are seeking mercy, hungering after justice, or making peace, Jesus offers us these words of blessing as if to say, “You’re in the right place. You’re at the right time. You’re with the right people.”

We believe this at First Baptist Greensboro. The witness of our church to the love and justice of God is as important as ever. Stewardship season is a time when we remember this call and commit to the viability and future of our church’s ministry. We hope you’ll join us throughout these next weeks.

Sunday, November 24 is an especially important day. It’s our Commitment Sunday, where we bring our Commitment Cards to worship. Members will receive a mailing with Commitment Cards, which are tools to help us prayerfully consider what we will pledge of our resources, time and energy in the year ahead. Cards can be returned in worship. Or if you’re unable to attend, submit your card using the online Commitment Card below.


2025 Online Commitment Card