SPONTANEOUS NATIVITY for ALL Children | December 13th at 6:30pm (Sanctuary)
This event starts out in our Fellowship Hall with a FULL breakfast for dinner meal. Christina will decorate waffle with whipped cream and toppings for the kids! Dinner is from 5:00-6:15pm
At 6:15 pm, parents will take children to the room at the back of the Fellowship Hall to pick out their costumes. They will get to choose from animals, shepherds, angels, and wisemen. The children will then head to the sanctuary and find a pew at the front that is labeled with their “part.” We will have adults sitting with the children to help to guide them up front when it is their turn to take position. Anyone else who is just planning on enjoying all of the adorable children, the program starts at 6:30pm. This precious event will be full of music, scripture, and wiggly children bringing the nativity story alive! DON’T FORGET YOUR CAMERAS!
*Cost is $6 for adults, $3 for children, and preschool and younger are free.
Sign Ups for this event are closed. You are still welcome to come at 6:30pm to enjoy the program!