Sunday, October 6

Following Worship – 3 pm

Our First Baptist Church family serves and loves others in Jesus’ name on many days throughout the year but we celebrate being able to serve together on World Communion Sunday, October 6 as a way to share in ministry with our community partners and those in our church family who are homebound who can easily feel forgotten. During worship we will celebrate Missions Sunday as we observe World Communion Sunday with brothers and sisters around the globe. Just as God shares grace with us gathered around a table, we will gather to share lunch together following worship and then will have projects and activities for all ages and abilities to serve together.  Sign Ups by September 27 receive a Share & Serve T-shirt!  Some project spaces limited.  Please contact Amy Grizzle Kane with questions,

Share and Serve Opportunities:

  • Rise Against Hunger: involves moving along assembly line tables in the gym (help assemble over 10,000 meals that will be sent to food insecure locations all over the globe including Dorian Relief)
  • The Community Garden at FBC: outside in the Garden (preparing beds for fall and winter plants that will feed the hungry in our community)
  • BackPack Beginnings: @3707-D Alliance Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 (organize and sort food and items that help over 7,000 children in need in our community)
  • Share a visit and serve communion to FBC Homebound Members: Various locations (you/your family will be paired with a deacon to simply spend time with those who might be lonely and help them participate in World Communion Sunday as well. A litany and communion supplies will be provided for you.)
  • Write care notes and/or create care art: Fellowship Hall (write or make something to share with FBC Homebound or others who need to be reminded of God’s love and our love)
  • Habitat for Humanity ReStore Trailer: Outside (help receive and organize donated good for the Habitat for Humanity ReStore Trailer which will be placed in our lower lot)
  • Hope Academy: Beautification work
  • Peacehaven Farm: Shed building (small group of skilled workers)

Share & Serve Missions Sunday Schedule

Come dressed to serve!

9:15 am:  Sunday School

10:30 am:  Worship and Sharing in the Lord’s Supper

11:45 am (following worship): Lunch together in the Fellowship Hall 
(Cost: $6/youth or adults and children are $3 each with a family maximum of $20)

12:30 pm: Benediction and Sending Forth

12:45-3 pm: Share & Serve Together