Our special called Church Conference took place at the end of Worship on September 26, 2021. We are voting on nominees to serve our church in important areas of leadership. See below for names of nominees and vote below. Thanks to our Nominating Committee (Chair, Sharon Barlow) and to all who have agreed to serve.

Leadership Recommendations from the Nominating Committee 

Building and Grounds: Amelia Barnes, Carlos Delgado and Gene Wager

Christian Assistance: Addison Lawrimore and Joe Garcia 

Mission: Bill Hix, Lynn Huneycutt, Thom Little, Margaret McCracken, Tommy Starnes and Helen Vaughan  

Personnel: Kelly Cornett and David Rowe 

Committee on Committees: David Angel, Richard Beavers, Alice Culclasure, Adam Duggins, Dan Kennedy, Catherine Scott Little, Betty Morgan, Janice Newsom, Bryan Parrish, Joan Ratliff, Davis Troxler, Brad Wall, Gayle Wiley and Dave Worsley

Thank you to Committee on Committees (Jill Pegram, Jim Clontz,  Janet Caldwell, Brenda Porterfield, David Angel, Sharon Barlow, Laura Cashwell, Cliff Lowery,  John Markham, Gary Upchurch, and Gayle Wiley) for their work.


Ballots will be mailed to those who do not use email. On-line voting is now closed.