It is difficult to find appropriate words to express our gratitude to the church for the investment she has made in the lives of our young people, but it is a deep privilege to attempt to do so. Your loving care and interest in the development of their Christian character was evident in every situation in Romania.
Your example of selflessness was obvious as our youth interacted with Roma children, adult church leaders, missionaries, hotel and restaurant attendants, and passers-by on the street.
Your authenticity in worship was reflected as they sang and played always to the best of their ability in a variety of situations, from the tiny country Roma church with an outhouse to the shiny new city Baptist church dedication on Easter Sunday morning.
Your integrity in service was present in them as they made conversation with Roma teens and children and as they led in games, songs and Bible stories.
Your faithful prayers were felt as we traveled safely by bus, plane, van, public transportation, and by foot.
We recognized over and over that preparation for this experience did not begin last June, but years ago in the nursery as you held these babies in your arms. We are grateful that God has provided so generously and pledge to follow the example you have given to be disciples of Christ going forward.
Thank you, church family for equipping us, and providing the opportunity for us to carry out the great commission.
High School Choir
(as printed in the May Connections newsletter)