Before departing for Thailand I would often question myself about the gulf of disparities between our two societies-the food, the environment, but most of all the people. Specifically, the question that remained the most constant and weighted in my mind was how would I, as a foreigner, integrate into their society, and subsequently make my way into their lives? Upon returning from this massive peregrination of youths, I realized my question of culture was answered not with the differences between our societies but the similarities they possessed. Halfway around the world, people still love to laugh, children still love to play, and most importantly the Christian minority possess a love for God so unbreakable although they are surrounded by an almost exclusively Buddhist population. It was through these seemingly unimportant nuances that many of us have realized that we are all one people, regardless of differences, united in the Spirit of God. Through God’s love we were able to forge a bond with the Thai people, bypassing all obstacles such as language barriers because of it.
Although our cultures remain different, our faith remains unified with the Thai Christians, who are now themselves able to spread the light through Thailand.