“I serve you, Rebecca, in the name of the Lord.”
As we gathered for worship the morning before we left Thailand, emotions were high. We prayed for the people we worked with and for those who had supported us on our trip, we shared stories of where we had seen God working in Thailand and how we had been impacted by God’s work, we sang, and we cried. Although the prayers and stories of the trip were touching and emotional for each one of us, my favorite part was the sharing of communion and the washing of feet.
As Jesus washed the feet of his disciples before they shared the Last Supper, the 8 seniors, including myself, washed the feet of each individual on the trip. I almost made it to the end without crying, but as I knelt to wash fellow senior Rebecca Little’s feet, I started crying. The tears did not stop there. Following the foot washing, we shared communion. We passed the bread and the cup and by that point almost every senior was crying.
For many years, we have all served together- whether it be on mission trips or in our church through various activities- but now we all have the opportunity to serve in different ways. We were so blessed to be able to serve both the people of Thailand and each other on this trip.