On Sunday, July 12, our prayers in worship were voiced by church members Jim Burch and Barbara Brock. Jim, a retired pastor, and Barbara, a retired career missionary, offered powerful prayers. Their voices reminded us of the voice of God that calls women and men to various forms of ministry and service. It was a wonderful addition to our summer theme and question: “What is you plan to do with your one life?”

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Prayers of Adoration and Confession – Rev. Jim Burch

Our Heavenly Father, we stand and sit in a place of beauty, and wonder, and joy, because it is Your house, and it is filled with your people, and we are here to worship you.

Heavenly Father, we approach the throne of grace and know that you are there to receive us.

Some of us come with broken hearts; some of us come very happy and joyful; some of us come puzzled by life itself. But as you would look to your left, you would see Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior, and to Him we would confess our sins, and know that by his sacrificial death, He forgives us.

That’s precious, Lord, when we make sins, and He forgives us. And then we want to turn and not only adore you, your world, your mission, your work, but God, we want to celebrate you, because you are a part of our life.

We pray in Jesus’ name and for His sake, Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Petition – Barbara Brock

Almighty God and Father, Beloved Creator and Sustainer, Eternal Redeemer, Comforter and Friend,

We come with grateful hearts for the blessings we have already received this day:

The ability to be present in this House of Worship

Eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us here

We thank you for this season of the year when flowers and shrubs are exhibiting their beauty and fragrance; the fresh produce is available in our gardens and in the marketplace.

We thank you for the privilege of living in this place where so many people work together for the well-being of all: the farmers, the grocers, the teachers, the medical personnel, the police, firemen, sanitation workers and volunteers, all cooperating for the good of all.

We thank you for safe transit through this past week.

We thank you for the friends and loved ones who undergird our lives, and most of all, we thank you for your eternal everlasting love which sustains and leads us through all circumstances, decisions, and opportunities.

How wonderfully you have blessed our lives, to let us live in a land where we are free to worship and to choose so many facets of our work, lives, and activities. We thank you for your gracious goodness to us.

And so we pray:

For the ability to live as You would have us live, and to love as You would have us love;

For the remembrance that every good and perfect gift comes from Your bountiful hands, and therefore that we owe to you the faithful stewardship of time, talent, and resources.

We pray for members of our church family who are in need of your blessing of healing of physical ailments, and we pray for those who are experiencing bereavement or personal loss of mobility.

Lord, we are in the era of future shock where knowledge increases exponentially and wisdom become ever more elusive and undervalued. Help us to retain our sense of values and our grip on the solid rock of our faith in You. May we be found faithful to the end.

We pray for the ministers and leaders of our church; that they shall have Your vision for the service of this church in Your Kingdom.

We pray for those who lead the governments of our city, state, and country. Give them the hearts and minds of servants for the well-being of all who live here. Help them to choose to do what is right.

We pray for people in countries embroiled in wars throughout the world and the people who are in the position of forced migration. We pray for the Christians who are being persecuted for righteousness’ sake, and we pray for divine rescue.

We pray for peace, for a new beginning of brotherly love and cooperation throughout the world.

“Take from our souls the strain and stress and let our ordered lives confess the beauty of Thy peace.”

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.