Pentecost Sunday | June 5 at 10:30 am
Pentecost marks the unleashing of the Holy Spirit, empowering the church to reach the world with the gospel! Here at First Baptist we will celebrate this high and holy “birthday” of the church in several important ways, including:
- Guest Musicians Clark and Karen Sorrells of Asheville. Clark recently retired as Minister of Music at First Baptist Church after nearly 25 years of service. Karen is Director of the
Asheville Fine Arts Academy.
- The Sanctuary Choir will present Pentecost music including the hymn Crown Him with Many Crowns, the spiritual I’m Gonna Sing When the Spirit Says Sing and the musical setting of the biblical text If Ye Love Me.
- Associate Pastor of Children and Families candidate will be introduced to the congregation in person and will share a faith story in morning worship. You may read more about the schedule for meeting the candidate here.
- The children of the church will present a Pentecost song in worship which they (kindergarten through 5thgrade) will rehearse with our music ministry staff during the Sunday School hour. This will allow teachers and parents to attend a church-wide session with the candidate.
- The ordinances of the Lord’s Supper will be observed.
- A reception will be held following worship featuring a Pentecost birthday cake for the church.