Join us for worship on Sundays 10:30 am | Order of Worship

Join us for Sunday school with Rev. Courtney Willis at 9:30 am on Sundays.

VBS 2025

July 14 - 17 | 9 am - 12 pm Let’s make waves as we get out into God’s creation this summer at VBS! We will ride with Jesus through a wavy storm, watch water come from rocks, and imagine a fully healed heaven and earth where all are invited to receive God’s life-giving...

Rise Against Hunger

Rise Against Hunger

Sunday, January 26 from 2 pm to 5 pm  We will be joining with our friends from Rise Against Hunger once again on Sunday, January 26 to package meals for people facing hunger around the globe. It will be a fun event that will make a difference in peoples’ lives. This...

Women’s Retreat 2025

Women’s Retreat 2025

A Good Life: Living Simply, Joyfully and AbundantlyFebruary 7-9, 2025Eagle Eyrie Conference Center Join us this February for an intergenerational women’s retreat in which we hope women of ALL ages will come for fellowship, faith formation, and fun. Early Bird: $175...

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Tuesday, December 24 at 5 pm Join us on Christmas Eve for a special service of scripture, carols and candlelight celebrating the birth of the Christ Child. Children are welcome to join the service, with optional childcare for 4 and under.

Church Conference

Church Conference

December Church Conference | Sunday, December 15, following worship Make plans to join us for our December Church Conference, including important items of business and updates on the life and ministry of First Baptist Greensboro. Our December Conference will include a...

Spontaneous Nativity

Spontaneous Nativity

Sunday, December 15 at 4:30 pm Parents are invited to bring their children at 4 pm to the back of the Fellowship Hall to pick out their costumes. They will get to choose from animals, shepherds, angels, and magi. The children will then head to the sanctuary and find...