On Pentecost Sunday, June 5 we will have the opportunity to meet and affirm the Candidate for Associate Pastor of Children & Families at First Baptist Greensboro. The Personnel and Search Committees are thrilled to introduce this minister to the Congregation through a series of events, listed below. Information on the Candidate will be shared with the Congregation by email and direct mail on Wednesday, June 1.
Call Sunday Schedule
8:45 – Coffee & Greeting (Atrium)
9:15 – Sunday School Hour Introduction and Q&A (Fellowship Hall)
10:30 – Morning Worship, with faith story from Candidate
11:30 – Special Called Business Meeting and Congregational Vote
11:45 – Reception (Front Lawn)
4 – 6 pm – Children’s Ministry Summer Kickoff at LeBauer Park
Children’s Ministry Families and Leaders are invited to a patio coffee and doughnuts (kids welcome!) meet and greet at the Norman house on Saturday, June 4 from 9:30-11:00. In the Sunday worship service children of the church will present a Pentecost song which they will rehearse with our music ministry staff during the Sunday School hour.