New Wednesday night adult classes happening now | 6:15–7:10 p.m.
“Sovereignty Psalms: Praise for the God Who’s in Charge”
Chapel Bible Study
Dr. Steve Pressley
This course focuses upon seven songs of divine kingship, namely Psalms 29, 93 and 95-99. These studies include passages read or sung in Friday synagogue services, as Jewish worshipers prepare for Sabbath. (Three of the Psalms are given in Christian lectionaries for use on Christmas Day.) Altogether, these are Psalms anciently employed for worship.
Sticky Faith
Rev. Courtney Willis
Rev. Willis continues her study of The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family by Dr. Kara E. Powell. The book explores the idea that parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith, and that parents can help a healthy, energetic faith stick with them well into adulthood. This book serves as the guide for talking about positive, practical ways to actively encourage the spiritual growth of our children. Participants are encouraged to purchase this book to read along, but it is not a requirement for class attendance.
Images of Sorrow, Visions of Hope: Understanding Our Journey of Grief
Dr. Steve Sumerel and Rev. Randy Hall
This three-week seminar focuses on Randy Hall’s beautifully written book Images of Sorrow, Visions of Hope. Rev. Hall joins us as we explore the journey through grief, which each one of us has known or will know. Rev. Hall is a Presbyterian minister and close friend of Dr. Sumerel. It is our hope that an ongoing grief group might emerge from this seminar.