Midweek @FBC, our Wednesday night programming. Each Wednesday night we’ll have food and fellowship, study and prayer.
Midweek Schedule
5:30 pm | Fellowship Meal – Fellowship Hall (make your reservation below)
6 pm | FBC Kids – 2nd floor Children’s Wing
6:15 pm | Youth Forum – HS Youth Room
6:15 pm | Adult Classes – First floor classrooms
7:15 pm | Sanctuary Choir – 311
Fellowship Meal
Fellowship Meal Reservations due each Monday by noon. Cancellations due by Tuesday at noon. Make your meal reservation online below OR contact Marty Kellam – x123 | marty@fbcgso.org
September Menu
September 4 | Breakfast for Dinner
September 11 | Pecan Encrusted Tilapia
September 18 | Chicken Portofino
September 25 | Pasta
$6/youth or adults and children are $3 each with a family maximum of $20.
The meal is served in our Fellowship Hall on the first floor – room 108. RESERVATIONS are due by 12 noon on Mondays & CANCELLATIONS are due by 12 noon on Tuesdays.