Handbells | 6 – 6:45 pm | Room 319
Adult handbell ringers will rehearse for upcoming services. At this time, we plan to distance our tables, wear masks and provide added ventilation in a large rehearsal room. Handbell ringing is the perfect music option in a pandemic — an entirely percussive musical experience with tables and bells safely distanced from each other. How great that we always wear gloves!
Sanctuary Choir | 7 – 8:15 pm | Sanctuary
The anchor of our music ministry, this adult choir sings in the morning worship services. The Sanctuary Choir also prepares larger works for special seasons of the church year. We will rehearse in masks and distanced by 15 feet throughout the sanctuary using the main floor, the balcony, and the choir loft. Please enter and exit through the front doors unless you prefer a ramp.
Children’s Music | 5:45 – 6:45 pm | 102, 108, & 108C
Children Music rehearsals will be masked, distant and with windows open this Fall as they prepare to sing in worship.
If you are interested in being a part of Handbell or Sanctuary Choir, please contact Doug (doug@fbcgso.org) or Terri (terri@fbcgso.org) Vancil. If you have a child or youth that would like to get involved, please contact Baker Lawrimore (baker@fbcgso.org)
October 10 & November 17 | When Children’s Choir isn’t practicing on Wednesday evening, FBCkids will have Missions during Midweek. This will be a time for our children to learn about our mission partners and other organizations in the community and how they can love their neighbors and make a difference.
Open Gym and Cafe | We’re Making space for our youth to come be with one another after a long and hard school day. This is a time for youth to simply bring their homework, dinner or snack, and hang out and play in the gym. Occasionally there will be organized games planned by the Youth Leadership Team. This time is a low pressure evening and just a chance for all youth to be together. Everyone is required to mask during this time.
Midweek Adult Study – Telling Stories | What does Scripture teach us about stories? How might we share our own stories with each tother? Why does God want us to hear others’ stories? Join us for our adult study offering on Wednesday evenings, led by Rev. Courtney Willis, under the trees on the front lawn (indoor chapel will be our rain location).