Lent is a season of preparation and repentance during which we anticipate Good Friday and Easter. Just as we carefully prepare for big events in our personal lives, such as a wedding or commencement, Lent invites us to make our hearts ready for remembering Jesus’ passion and celebrating Jesus’ resurrection.
The practice of a forty-day preparation period began in the Christian church during the third and fourth centuries. The number forty carries biblical significance based on the forty years Israel spent in the wilderness and Jesus’ forty-day fast in the wilderness. The forty days of Lent begin on Ash Wednesday and continue through holy week, not counting Sundays. The Sundays of Lent are reserved for celebratory worship, but emphasize repentance and renewal.
—from The Worship Sourcebook, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Lent Online | Throughout Lent, make sure you are attentive to our First Baptist Facebook page or Instagram. There you will find meditations, reflections, and questions to help guide you on your Lenten journey. To find us on Facebook search: “First Baptist Church Greensboro” or simply click here. To find us on Instagram search: “fbcgso” or click here.
Ash Wednesday Service | Wednesday, February 26 at 6:15 pm Mark the beginning of the Lenten Season with a church-wide service of confessional prayer and imposition of ashes. All are welcome.
Prayer Garden | Don’t forget to visit our prayer garden during the season of Lent. As spring approaches, it is the perfect time to spend a few moments reading the prompts found in the wooden boxes throughout the garden. Use the prompts to guide your time, or simply visit the garden and pray about whatever matters are on your heart.
Lenten Midweek Gathering: Each One Belongs | Wednesdays, March 4,11,18, 25 & April 1 First Baptist has a rich history of faith and love. Come listen to the stories of how church members have come to experience God more fully through our community. All adults are invited to gather in the Chapel to hear about how we have experienced belonging in the past, are experiencing now, and that we hope for as a church family.
Palm Sunday Brunch and Egg Hunt | Sunday, April 5 after Worship Join us for a great meal of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits, and fruit. Brunch is $6 for adults and $3 for children. Following brunch we will have a Resurrection Egg Hunt for the children on the front lawn. Don’t forget your Easter baskets!
Lenten Worship Hymns | The Sanctuary Choir will present St. John Passion on Palm Sunday, April 5 in morning worship. This beautiful setting by contemporary English composer Bob Chilcott contains four congregational hymns that we will sing together each Sunday of Lent. The ancient texts set to fresh new tunes will require repetition and contemplation. I encourage you to make them a part of your daily worship during this Lenten season in addition to our corporate worship. Please click on each song title to listen to them on Youtube.