Throughout the Season of Lent, we are recounting the last days of Jesus. Instead of hurrying to Easter, we are pausing at various places, words, moments and emotions that mark The Way to Resurrection. Journey with us through this season on Sundays and Wednesdays, and through the Lent-At-Home resources provided by the church.
Join us for worship (10:30) and Sunday School (9:45). Each Sunday in worship, we will remember the events of Jesus’ final week through song, prayer, word and table. We will be led by First Baptist laity, pastors, and choirs, as well as by a variety of gifted musicians, including extraordinary composer and singer, Ken Medema, who will present a piece arranged for First Baptist Greensboro’s Lenten worship this year.
Wednesdays throughout Lent we will gather at 6:30 for Prayers at the Cross, in which we will share in prayer for the concerns of our congregation and community, share in a musical reflection, and consider together our weekly focus from among Jesus’ last days. This service can be experienced Outdoors at the church or At-Home through livestream.
Kits are available with materials for all ages, filled with thoughtfully planned resources for you to experience the season of Lent at home. Please come by the covered entrance of the church to pick-up. If you are unable to come to the church, please contact the Church Office to arrange for one to be dropped off to you.