This Lent, we take seriously what it means to “Practice our Faith”. As we look into the concepts presented in, Practicing Our Faith: A Guide for Conversation, Learning, and Growth. by Dorothy Bass, we dare to move beyond only fasting for Lent. Through sermons, small groups, and worship all ages can consider how to engage with faith practices in meaningful ways. Throughout the season of Lent we will explore new practices each Sunday in worship. You are then encouraged to engage it on your own through provided weekly meditations, and as a group through discussion. Since this is a whole church focus, our youth and children will be engaging with the practices during their regularly scheduled programming.
Lenten Devotional
Starting February 19th, each Monday we’ll be emailing out a devotion for Lent. If you’d like to be on that email list, please email Alisa Windsor ( or check this page each Monday afternoon for the latest devotion.
For Everyone:
Young Adults Lenten Small Group | Tuesdays, February 13th, 20th, 27th, March 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th at 7 pm | Young Adult Lenten Small Group, led by Courtney Stamey. If you would like to be a part of this group, connect with Courtney (
Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal and Classes | February 21st-March 21st 5:30pm-7:10 pm | On Wednesday evenings we have a meal together (check out what’s being served and get your reservation) and immerse ourselves in worship, study and practice through different classes. Learn about the different classes we offer and which one is best for you this Lenten season.
Reconnect | Wednesdays, February 21st-March 21st 7:30 pm | Rev. Darnysha Nard, our Pastoral Resident, will be the primary facilitator for this class on “Practicing our Faith,” which corresponds with our Lenten focus on Christian practices and how we live out our faith as Christian community. The study will utilize the book Practicing our Faith by Dorothy Bass, which is available here for those interested in reading more on this theme. This 7:30 class will be the same content as our 6:15 Wednesday night ACCESS class, but we’re trying this slot specifically for those not bound by children’s schedules. This is part of our larger conversation about ministry with adults whose life of faith and church involvement is also not tied to parenthood — or maybe not as much as it once was.
FRONT Class – Intersection of Faith and Science | March 19th and 22nd 6:30-8 pm
This class on the Intersection of Faith and Science is a time that Steve Sumerel will present his research on Darwin’s ideas on evolution and the effects on the church at the time and the continued effects today. Steve got to study this topic while on sabbatical and would love to share it with you! Refreshments will be provided so please let Steve know you’ll be attending by emailing him:
Sunday Worship | February 18th, 25th, March 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th 10:30 am | Each Sunday in Lent, we will be focusing on different practices of our faith: Choices, Community, Seeking Justice, Forgiveness, Dying Well, Singing and Testimony. Join us each Sunday for worship and sermons on these themes, corresponding with our lectionary passages for Lent.
Holy Week | March 26th, 27th, 29th or 30th 7 pm | Holy Week Evening services observe the events of Christ’s Passion (Upper Room, Supper, Garden, Prayer. Temple Court, Trail, Calvary, and Crucifixion) led by our Pastoral Team and Music Ministry. These services will be identical to one another, so you are invited to choose which night (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday) is best for you. Wednesday (March 28th) will follow the regular schedule of dinner and classes for Adults and Children. These services will be the inaugural services in our newly renovated Chapel!