Leadership Nominations Due

It is time for us to consider who we will nominate to serve in key leadership positions for our church in the coming year. Please consider whom among our members you would nominate for Deacon, Endowment Trust Committee, Finance Committee, Treasurer, or Church Clerk. You are encouraged to submit your own name for any position for which you are willing to serve, if nominated and elected.

Nominations are due by Sunday, March 15. Forms are available on information boards at the church or you can download them below.

Committee on Committees Ballot

Committee on Committees: David Angel, Sharon Barlow, Janet Caldwell, Laura Cashwell, Jim Clontz, Cliff Lowery, John Markham, Jill Pegram, Brenda Porterfield and Gary Upchurch

Committee on Committee Members: Gayle Adams, Charles Hartis, John Suggs, Robert Angell, Perry Key, Cynthia Townes, Blaine Bradford, Karl Lewis, Ben Turner, Kelly Cornett, Lynda Grace Moore, Judyth White, Nancy Culclasure, Tom Petty and Anita Wilson