Community Lunch | Church Conference

Sunday, May 15 | Following Worship – Everyone is invited to enjoy lunch around the tables. Cost is $6 per person and $20 family maximum. NO reservation is needed. A brief church conference will follow lunch to allow the membership to hear about the latest from our Deacons and committees bringing motions forward.

Vote on Amendments to the Bylaws at May Church Conference

At the February Church Conference, the membership approved a committee consisting of Jill Pegram, Judyth White, Cooper Harrell, Robb Wells, and Jack Swanson to review the current Bylaws and recommend any changes that they think should be made. The committee is proposing 12 amendments to the Bylaws. Most of these changes deal with items of omission, correction of inconsistencies, and clarification of the meaning of a particular item. These changes have been presented to the Deacons and to the membership at their April meetings. On May 15, the membership will vote at the monthly Church Conference on whether to accept these changes. Click here to view a PDF of the Bylaws revisions.

Vote on Nominees from the Committee on Committees at the May Church Conference

The Committee on Committees put forward the names of nominees for Deacons, Finance, Church Moderator and Trustee for the Endowment Trust during Morning Worship on May 1st per the church By-laws, as well as a two-week notice prior to the Church Conference on May 15th. The membership will vote on these nominees at the church conference on May 15. The nominees presented are:

Church Moderator: Scott Culclasure
Trustee for the Endowment Trust: Brandon Walters
Finance Committee: Gary Cole, Tom Cornett, Brandon Harris, Monica Vaughn, Rob Young
Deacons:  David Angel, Janet Caldwell, Laura Cashwell, Jim Clontz, Jack Foxworth, Cathy Isom, Cliff Lowery, John Markham, Jody Moore, Brenda Porterfield, Gary Upchurch, Gayle Wiley.  Click here to view a PDF of the Deacon Nominee Bio Sheet.