In 1996, there was an HBO film called “If These Walls Could Talk.” Last week, that title came to mind as I looked at our four sanctuary walls. Our four walls have great stories to share and more have been added. Ministers will often say that church is not a place to which we come but a place from which we go – taking the gospel out into the world. In thinking about this past week I could not be more proud of the events within our four walls. On Sunday, December 7th, the second Sunday of Advent, our church hosted the magnificent NC A&T choir. Our space was filled with an audience in awe of hearing the beautiful music of the season. Maestro Travis W. Alexander shared his gratitude for being invited to our church. The choir has sung at the White House, but has never performed at a downtown church in Greensboro until now. Then, on the following Thursday, December 10th, members of the larger community came together at First Baptist to pray, worship, lament, and share stories; moving us all toward solidarity in Greensboro. In response to the events in Ferguson, New York City, and Cleveland, Greensboro Faith Leaders shared an open letter to the city leadership and the local government to “build the bridges, to repair the breach” between community, local government entities and law enforcement. Because space was created, we could share stories and raise awareness for the need for all faith communities to be voice for transformation and change. Our space held room for musicians, storytellers and hearers. So I believe if our walls could talk, they would say “Come!”
Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor of Missions