Dear Church Family,
The storm is past Greensboro and our hearts are still with those for whom the journey forward is only beginning. Already you have been generous in responding to help the vulnerable in our community prepare for the storm. While we are thankful Greensboro was less impacted, we continue our prayers and care for those in our state and beyond who continue to be significantly impacted by flooding and even tornadoes from Florence. How you can help:
As with the Greensboro tornado, First Baptist will receive donations for Disaster Response. Such funds will be utilized to assist partner churches in the affected regions in ministry to their communities, to address short-term and longer-term needs in conjunction with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina and their partners. There are three ways to give:
- Click here to donate specifying Disaster Relief-Florence as the Fund
- Text FBCGSO FLO to 73256 to give to the Disaster Relief-Florence fund using your text messaging. Standard messaging rates may apply.
- Make checks payable to First Baptist Greensboro with “Disaster Relief-Florence” in the memo.
Additionally, if you would like to donate supplies, FBC Wilmington is coordinating receiving supplies through their collaborative non-profit partner organization, the Harrelson Center. You may Amazon requested items to their address: 20 North 4th Street STE 214 Wilmington, NC 28401.
Requested Items:
Children’s underwear – all sizes
Clothing: new t-shirts, socks, underwear – all sizes (no other clothing)
Disposable razors
Diapers – lots of diapers
Feminine products and pads
Food- canned
Hygiene Items
Pet food
Shockwave Cleaning products
Children’s underwear – all sizes
Clothing: new t-shirts, socks, underwear – all sizes (no other clothing)
Disposable razors
Diapers – lots of diapers
Feminine products and pads
Food- canned
Hygiene Items
Pet food
Shockwave Cleaning products
CBF churches in the impacted areas and CBFNC are partnering with Baptists on Mission (NCBM), who specialize in disaster response and have set up operations in several locations. We are working on logistics to coordinate a response trip(s) through FBC Wilmington and we will keep you posted as details become known. If you are interested in traveling to help, please let us know that here and we can keep you informed.
Please continue to pray for our neighbors who have experienced loss and for the relief workers and efforts seeking to minister to them. We will not forget all those who are vulnerable and overwhelmed in trying to figure out, “what now?”
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for all who are still in the midst of the storm even after it passes,
Amy Grizzle Kane
Associate Pastor for Missions and Community Ministry