How to write an Advent hymn? It begins with Scripture, reading daily, to ponder the life-giving, eternal message thoughtfully, prayerfully. A text takes shape, then, a melody, and finally, harmony and instruments, musical elements to carry the words into time and space.
To be honest, we must recognize: all the creative efforts in the world are not enough to give God the honor He is due.The Father who reigns in the heavens, because of His boundless love, sent His only Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. For that reason alone… But He also gives us the Spirit of Christ, to take residence in us, patiently transforming our lives by the brightness of His light: eternal hope, peace, joy, love.
Why would the Lord accept my feeble human efforts? But gracious God that He is, not only does He welcome our sacrifices of praise, He rejoices over us, with singing! In this season of Advent anticipation, may it be in our hearts, as it is in heaven: Soli Deo Gloria !
by Margaret Petty, Advent Song 2014
King of justice, true Lord of light,
Hope that shines in the world’s darkest night,
Seize our hearts, reign within, cast out fear, cast out sin,
Help us walk by your love and might.
Peace and righteousness now embrace—
Lovingkindness and truth, face to face,
Heaven’s high, looking down, Bethlehem, little town,
Where is born Jesus, Lord of grace.
Glory be to our God on High,
Through His Son our salvation is nigh,
By His Spirit we live, we rejoice, we forgive,
For our faults did this Christ child die.
Now He reigns, this the Living Word!
By true faith, hope and love—not by sword—
Shall we know and be known,
One day kneel at His throne with all voices in one accord.
Alleluia, Christ is come, King of justice, true Lord of light!
Margaret Cording Petty, copyright2014
(article/Advent song printed in December newsletter – Connections, page 4)
This is such a beautiful tribute to the Christ Child. It shows that you, Margaret, have put your meditations down in a graceful manner. alleene