With gratitude for the work of the Spirit in our Congregation over the last year, our Task Force and Deacons are excited to share a plan to move to in-person sanctuary worship in May, together with other in-person building uses. The final weeks of April will continue our practice of virtual worship, allowing time to set plans in place for a smooth return to the sanctuary. The first three weeks of May will serve as a “soft opening” with more limited capacity, before a fuller return on May 23, Pentecost Sunday. Throughout the summer months, we will continue to build our in-person offerings, increase capacity, and resume other elements of our ministry as safe and advisable.

This plan is both careful and hopeful, and will continue the practices of planning, evaluation, and healthy experimentation we have utilized throughout this pandemic. Special thanks to our COVID-19 Task Force for their leadership, and to our entire congregation for the creativity, faithfulness and commitments to safety and inclusion that have characterized this last year, and will continue to carry us forward.