Monday, March 13, 20, 27 | 6–7:30 p.m.
For a spring mini-semester, Dr. Jason Myers, assistant professor of biblical studies at Greensboro College, will be our guest speaker. Dr. Myers graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary with a PhD. His dissertation focused on the theme of obedience in Romans. His interest in the Apostle Paul has led to numerous presentations, a forthcoming book, and teaching in India, Estonia, Turkey and Italy.
FRONT was initially designed to be a continuing education process for our Sunday School teachers, and although that remains its primary mission, it has always enjoyed a broader reach. For these March sessions, we’re encouraging anyone interested in a deeper understanding of the historical context from which the gospels emerged to attend. Unlike other FRONT sessions, there will be no homework or reading assignments, no textbooks to purchase and no reservations required. Do not miss this opportunity to explore the depths of our understanding of Jesus and his place in history.