Urban Ministry is one of First Baptist Church’s missions partners and we’re hosting their Feast of Caring meal on Thursday November 16th in the Fellowship Hall. Feast of Caring is a fundraising meal for Urban Ministry, where for $25 donation you’ll get a lunch of soup and bread, along with the option between a beautifully hand crafted pottery bowl or five Honor Cards.

There are two times to be a part of this event, first is during lunch from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. You can purchase tickets to this time slot only (dinner doesn’t require pre-ticket sales) through Urban Ministry’s website. If you’d prefer to be a part of the Feast of Caring for dinner, the time is 5pm-7pm. Ticket prices will be the same for lunch and dinner this year, but the difference is that you can reserve a table for 8 before the event to save time when you arrive for lunch. In addition! For those who purchase and host a table — you will receive a coupon for an additional trip to the Pottery Room, as our thank you for hosting.

If you have any questions, please call Urban Ministry at: 336.553.2641 or by email