Often times in our busy lives we find it hard to slow down and be still to listen and pray. We rush around to each new event and we forget to make it a priority to spend time simply existing with God. Many times, we are able to come more closely to that thin space where we can be present when we abide in the beauty of what God has created. The Prayer Garden at First Baptist offers an invitation to exist as you are, in the midst of the chaos and savor the beauty of creation.

The Prayer Garden was first envisioned and created as an Eagle Scout project by Matthew Newsom, over 17 years ago, but it’s recently received some tender care and a seemingly new life. Prayer boxes have been assembled and posted. Flowers were planted. Benches painted and the cross made to stand out among the new, crisp pine straw. It’s been renewed and transformed. It’s a nice thought that just as we have explored in this Lenten season what it looks like to be clothed with attributes of Christ, like: patience, endurance, and forgiveness a space in our midst has received its own “new clothes.” Because of the love of our members, and the longing to abide in Christ’s love in a simple space, she can dawn her new trapping. With endurance she’s been right here in our midst walking with us offering sacred space to exist with God.

We were thrilled to dedicate this space to the purpose of prayer, reflection and stillness on Sunday, March 31 and pray that it will continue to be a place where we might abide in the love of God and seek God’s wisdom for all that might unfold in our lives and in the life of First Baptist Greensboro. May her “new clothes” offer a reminder to us that we are always being transformed by a God who calls us to be still, to listen and pray and may we answer the invitation.