Jerico Carrillo | MusicJerico is completing his Masters in Music at UNCG. Jerico works with our Sanctuary Choir, instrumental program, and children’s music.
Tony Sanders | Music
Tony Sanders is completing his DMA at UNCG. He continues to work with music ministry in Sanctuary Choir, instrumental music, and youth music.
Kellie Thomas | Youth Ministry
Kellie Thomas is currently a senior at UNC Greensboro. She majors in religious studies with minors in political science and in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. With plans for a weekly Sunday afternoon Youth Group, Kellie will bring a lot of energy and creativity, as well as the ability to teach and lead small groups
Monica Gonzalez | Children’s Ministry
Monica Gonzalez is a recent graduate of Appalachian State University, will be joining us this Fall! She will be helping with children’s ministry programming, live gatherings, and our virtual interactive Sunday School for kids.