This past Tuesday marked our fourth prayer walk downtown. Center City Park was our first destination—we ran through the fountain there and enjoyed the beauty of the park. We paused to pray for the business people who make their living downtown as we found ourselves more on the “big business “ end of Elm. We also prayed for the homeless population, some of whom sat on benches in the park. Always in my mind is to pray for our ministry to be able to touch people both ends of the employment spectrum, and to build bridges of communication and understanding there.
We noticed the buildings downtown and paused to pray for God’s direction for us in finding a building to house our downtown presence. Once again, proceeding south on Elm, we were greeted on the street by a man who was serving samples of freshly brewed Hibiscus tea from a new Egyptian restaurant called KoShary. We have made a reservation to eat there next week at 6 pm before our prayer walk, so please come join us! The man and his wife who run the restaurant are local residents of Greensboro. We are lucky to be having more local restaurants opening downtown. I don’t know about you, but I want to support local business here.
In front of the Kress building, Luke Arno offered a beautiful prayer for young adults who never have been part of a church and don’t know Christ, to be touched by God’s presence reaching them right where they are, as they come downtown. That made me remember that we have as our Heavenly Father the One who pursues all of his children where they are, whether in church or not, whether business executive or homeless, whether young and hip or old and hip-replaced. And Who calls us to be his salt and light where we live, right here in Greensboro, right now.
Hope to see you on our next prayer walk, next Tuesday, at 7 pm at the International Civil Rights Museum, the old Woolworth building downtown. Come join us at 6 at KoShary restaurant before the walk if you’d like, and send me an email if you want to be included in the dinner reservation. (But even if you don’t reserve a spot, come anyway!). My email is
Laura Lomax
Click link to view all images from June 10 Prayer Walk – (photos courtesy of Charles Hartis).