If you wish to give financial donations towards storm recovery efforts you can here.


Be sure and mark “Tornado Response” in the memo line.

First Baptist Greensboro Family, thank you for your continued care and concern for those impacted by last Sunday’s tornado in our community.  The response has been tremendous and there are still changing needs to meet in the days and month ahead.  Please see below for new details and updated ways you can help be the hands and feet of Christ to those in need.

 Update, May 4th 2018

GIVE  https://fbcgso.org/give

If you’re compelled to give, at this time we would especially encourage financial donations that can support longer-term recovery efforts for those displaced from their homes and who will have major repairs in the weeks and months ahead.  Even small financial gifts will help alleviate heavy burdens on those who lost housing.  Many trustworthy organizations are receiving donations, but any financial contributions to First Baptist marked “Tornado Response” will be 100% stewarded to long term efforts in which we’ll participate with our partner churches and organizations in the affected areas.


Habitat for Humanity, in partnership with the Greensboro Housing Coalition, is preparing to renovate and restore uninsured, owner-occupied homes damaged by the tornado. For those with specific interests and abilities to help our community rebuild, please consider joining us for an organizational meeting on Monday May 7 at 6pm in room 101 at FBC.  Contact Amy Grizzle Kane with any questions, amygkane@fbcgso.org.


New Light Missionary Baptist Church and Backpack Beginnings are still collecting and distributing items to those in need. If you’re interested in a material rather than financial donation, you may bring requested items to the FBC Atrium and we will deliver.  Items still requested:

  • Cleaning supplies: Dishwashing soap, Clorox wipes, etc)
  • Dog Food (cat food has been given in larger quantities)
  • Diapers, all sizes, infant and adult
  • Hygiene items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, soap and washcloths
  • heavy duty trash bags


Thank you for your interest in sharing your time to be the hands and feet of Christ as we collaborate with our FBC Mission and Community Partners:

  1. Community Canvassing Voluteers needed!  Right now, our greatest need is for volunteers to canvass the neighborhoods damaged by the tornado, speaking with residents to obtain information so that the city can plan for recovery. Volunteers will be sent out in pairs and the city provides a form to complete recording information or for doing a visual assessment from the street if no one is home. This need is likely to go on for several weeks, followed by the start of the home repair process. The information is critical, as we cannot move forward until we have that info. Saturdays are best because of the greater likelihood of the resident being home. However, we are sending volunteers out whenever we can get them.  The goal is to get as much current information on each house as possible.  You may contact Chris Tippens at Habitat for Humanity either by phone 336.707.8050 or by email ctippens@hhgg.org to help.

Update, noon, Wednesday, April 25

First Baptist Greensboro Family, thank you for your continued care and concern for those impacted by lastSunday’s tornado in our community.  The response has been tremendous and there are still be needs to meet in the days and month ahead.  Please see below for new details and updated ways you can help be the hands and feet of Christ to those in need.

GIVE  https://fbcgso.org/give/

If you’re compelled to give, at this time we would especially encourage financial donations that can support longer-term recovery efforts for those displaced from their homes and who will have major repairs in the weeks and months ahead.  Even small financial gifts will help alleviate heavy burdens on those who lost housing.  Many trustworthy organizations are receiving donations, but any financial contributions to First Baptist marked “Tornado Response” will be 100% stewarded to long term efforts in which we’ll participate with our partner churches and organizations in the affected areas.


Thank you for your interest in sharing your time to be the hands and feet of Christ as we collaborate with our FBC Mission and Community Partners:

  • Backpack Beginnings continues to need help in the warehouse to sort clothing and food items to send to impacted schools.  Please visit their volunteer sign up link for available times.
  • Habitat for Humanity continues to organize tree and debris removal, roof tarping and covering broken windows and doors with plywood.  Volunteers ages 18+ are greatly needed to help and may contact Chris Tippens at Habitat either by phone 336.707.8050 or by email ctippens@hhgg.org.
  • NC Baptists on Missions also need volunteers to help tarp, cut trees and haul debris to the curb for city pickup. Anyone wanting to volunteer can go to their organizing site at Northside Baptist, 1100 E. Cornwallis (between Church Street and Yanceyville). Site phone is 336-817-0819. Sturdy shoes and work gloves recommended.  People with chain saw skills are especially needed, but any willing hands will be welcome.  If someone is younger than 18, a parent or guardian needs to sign the liability forms.


Habitat for Humanity, in partnership with the Greensboro Housing Coalition, is preparing to renovate and restore uninsured, owner-occupied homes damaged by the tornado. For those with specific interests and abilities to help our community rebuild, please consider joining us for an organizational meeting on Monday May 7 at 6pm in room 101 at FBC.  Contact Amy Grizzle Kane with any questions, amygkane@fbcgso.org.


We are hearing from community missions partners that many short-term material needs are being met, but if you’re interested in a material rather than financial donation, you may bring requested items to the FBC Atrium.  Items still needed:

  • Diapers, all sizes, infant and adult diapers
  • Jelly (plenty of Peanut Butter was given)
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Individual sized Chef Boyardee proteins, Juice boxes, Easy top fruit cans
  • Hygiene items: feminine products, deodorant, toothpaste, soap;
  • tarps, chain saws, heavy duty trash bags, work gloves, cleaning supplies

Update, 9:00, Thursday, April 19

First Baptist Greensboro Family, thank you for your continued care and concern for those impacted by Sunday’s tornado in our community.  Today, several of our ministers spent the afternoon in East Greensboro supporting churches and community leaders, and communicating our commitment to be part of the longterm recovery. See below for the latest on what we would invite you to give of your resources and time.


If you’re compelled to give, at this time we would especially encourage financial donations that can support longer-term recovery efforts for those displaced from their homes and who will have major repairs in the weeks and months ahead.  Even small financial gifts will help alleviate heavy burdens on those who lost housing.  Many trustworthy organizations are receiving donations, but any financial contributions to First Baptist marked “Tornado Response” will be 100% stewarded to long term efforts in which we’ll participate with our partner churches and organizations in the affected areas.  Through our partnership with Bessemer Elementary, already some of your donations have helped an entire family who lost everything in the tornado, and through partnership with Providence Baptist Church and New Light Missionary Baptist Church, you have helped to provide hundreds of meals to those hungry after the storm. 


We are hearing from community missions partners that many short-term material needs are being met, but if you’re interested in a material rather than financial donation, you may bring requested items to the FBC Atrium or directly to the organizations.  As a part of our Missions Day on Saturday, we will also be helping to distribute donated items to these organizations.  Items still solicited:

  • Our missions partner Backpack Beginnings and our community neighbor New Light Missionary Baptist Church are helping distribute items including non-perishable food (Individual sized Chef Boyardee proteins, Juice boxes, Easy top fruit cans, Rice, Canned chicken, tuna or beef stew, Kid Friendly/Healthy Snacks [no peanuts]); hygiene items (especially needed are feminine products, adult diapers, NEW underwear and socks for adults [large sizes] and children, deodorant, toothpaste, soap)
  • Guilford Education Alliance continues to collect school supplies for displaced Hampton, Erwin and Peeler Elementary teachers and classrooms: Copy paper (white and colors), dry erase markers/erasers, construction paper, post-its, kid and adult scissors, heavy staplers and staples are among the requested items that may be delivered to FBC or the Children’s Museum through Saturday.


Thanks to all who have helped with short-term projects that we have been invited to participate in by our neighbors.  We will also continue to plan for meaningful long-term volunteer opportunities in the future. For now if you would like to serve, please see tornado response opportunities available this Saturday as a part of our Missions Day


Update 9:00, Tuesday, April 17

First Baptist Greensboro Family, thank you for your generous response to those impacted by Sunday’s tornado in our community. See below for the latest on what we would invite you to give of your resources and time.
At this time we would especially encourage financial donations that can support longer-term recovery efforts in the weeks and months ahead. Many trustworthy organizations are receiving donations, but any financial contributions to First Baptist marked “Tornado Response” will be 100% stewarded to long term efforts in which we’ll participate with our partner churches and organizations in the affected areas. We are particularly investigating possibilities with churches affected by the storm. You can donate through our usual channels, indicating “Tornado Response” in the memo.
We are hearing from community partners that many short-term material needs are being met.  If you’re interested in a material rather than financial donation, a few material needs still requested:
  • Guilford Education Alliance continues to collect school supplies for displaced Hampton, Erwin and Peeler Elementary teachers and classrooms: Copy paper, #2 pencils, 24pk crayons, 12 pk colored pencils, wide-rule notebook paper and spiral notebooks, dry erase markers/erasers, construction paper, rulers, glue sticks, and scissors may be delivered to the Children’s Museum through Friday, 9-5.
  • Backpack Beginnings (3707D Alliance Dr, 8:30-2pm) is meeting requests for diapers/wipes, ready to eat foods (granola bars, snacks, trail mix, cereals, etc), soap, toothbrushes/toothpaste, water and feminine products.
  • Interactive Resource Center (407 E. Washington St) can still accept flashlights/new batteries and non-perishable food items
  • No Clothing requested at this time.
We will also continue to plan for long term volunteer opportunities in the future, while for now partnering with Providence Baptist Church in their lunch distribution this week. To express your interest in participating in the short- and long-term, sign up at the Volunteer Form at the bottom of this page.
Tomorrow night we will be attending a meeting led by leaders in the most affected areas of East Greensboro and will share what we learn.  We remain grateful for the compassion, love of neighbor, and humility in service that you are exhibiting at this time.

Update 4:00, Monday, April 16

For those who want to love and serve our neighbors through the ministry of our church, First Baptist Greensboro is encouraging the following modes of both short-term relief and long-term recovery:

Give: There are many trustworthy organizations that will make good use of your money, but the whole of any designated contributions to First Baptist Greensboro will be stewarded to our local partners throughout the ongoing recovery efforts, as we discern where our congregation can be most helpful. You can donate through our usual channels, indicating “Tornado Response” in the memo.


  • In the short-term, First Baptist is partnering with Providence Baptist Church to provide 150 lunches daily, April 17-21. In addition to our financial contribution to this effort, 8 volunteers are invited daily from 11:30-2:30 to prepare meals and interact with guests.
  • In the long-term, we are continuing to make ourselves and our resources available to local partners, churches, and community leaders. We are also in conversation with CBF Disaster Response about ongoing plans. We will be communicating further as we determine our most helpful longterm response.
  • If interested in serving either in the short- or long-term, Contact Amy Grizzle Kane or fill out the volunteer request form below.


  • Bottled water and drinks may be brought to the Atrium for use in this week’s lunches with Providence Baptist.
  • Tarps, plywood, diapers, baby food, flashlights, batteries may be left in the Atrium or donated directly to the Interactive Resource Center (407 E Washington St.)
  • No Clothing is needed at this time.

Noon, Monday, April 16 — Message from Associate Pastor, Amy Grizzle Kane

Dear First Baptist Church Family,

We seek to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community always and especially so in the wake of last night’s storms across our hometown.  Already you are generous in your concern and in your desire to help.  Even last night and continuing this morning, we have been reaching out to city leadership and to community mission partners in areas impacted by the storms to know of needs and how we can respond both in the short and long term.  They know of our desire and resources to help and are still gathering information about specific needs.  They appreciate our continued prayers for and patience with the disaster response teams who continue the process of evaluating needs and implementing plans for effective and safe assistance.  I can say from personal Hurricane Harvey experience that it does take time to know how to help in the right ways and we want to offer assistance in the ways that will matter most. In addition to monitoring updates through the City of Greensboro and local leaders (Michelle Kennedy and the IRC, Mayor Vaughan, the GSO Faith Leaders Council), we are in contact with community partners, school partners and several local churches.

We are working with New Light Baptist and Providence Baptist on meals for students out of school this week and will keep you posted on how you may be able to assist with those efforts.  Additionally, we are in touch CBF Disaster Response about how we may be able to help steward long-term relief efforts in the area and we will continue to work with area churches (Genesis Baptist, Providence, New Light, and Trinity AME Zion) on any of their long-term plans.

As we learn more specifically, we will be sure to update you via email, this page, and on Facebook. If you would like to go ahead and donate or volunteer through First Baptist, you can sign up in the form below or mark your donation “Tornado Response.”  We will be using funds to address the specific needs that we become aware of here in our community and through our Missions Partners.

Please continue to let Amy Grizzle Kane know of needs you are aware of. Our prayers and love continue for all those impacted and we will work together in the coming days to share God’s love and care with those in need.  Certainly, this may change the shape of Missions Day this Saturday and if we have disaster relief projects that we can help with on Saturday, we will prioritize those and let you know. Thank you in advance for your willingness to help,

Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor for Missions and Community Ministry