I Wonder as I Wander
I wonder as I wander, out under the sky,
How Jesus the Savior did come for to die
For poor ordinary people like you and like I;
I wonder as I wander out under the sky.
This hymn has its origins in the Appalachian Mountains. I think the melody and words evoke a feeling of being in a place of quiet wonderment and mystery, like the mountains, where we seem to be even closer to God. It could just as easily come to mind when we “wander” through Bicentennial Garden or go for a quiet walk around our neighborhood.
The words are simple and heartfelt. We wonder how is it possible that Jesus, the only son of God, came here to this place to love us and die for our sins, for “ordinary people” like you and me? How could that be? How could God love us that much?
Jesus could have had the whole world and the Heavens at his command, but all He wanted was you and me… to believe in Him, to follow Him, and show love for one another.
The beauty of this song is its simple truth…Jesus came for us. God’s love for us, shown through this gift of Jesus to the world, will always be a mystery to us because it is so big, and we can never grasp it or understand it. His love is undeserved, deep in forgiveness and empathy, full of grace…always faithful, never ending. It is boundless hope and joy. It is personal for you and for me.
Take a few moments during this Advent season to take a walk, “to wander out under the sky”. Quiet your mind, and consider the greatest gift you will ever receive. God’s gift to all of us was His son Jesus Christ. Pure and simple. Then consider….. What can I give Him?
— Janice Newsom