Comfort, Comfort Now My People
Comfort, comfort now my people; tell of peace!” so says our God.
Comfort those who sit in darkness mourning under sorrow’s load.
To God’s people now proclaim that God’s pardon waits for them!
Tell them that their war is over; God will reign in peace forever!
Although the Advent season can be one of immense joy and delight, for some it can be a reminder of ways that life is difficult and trying. We might remember broken relationships. We might struggle with feelings of inadequacy. We may be grieving the loss of a loved one, or a job, or a life experience that passed us by. We may simply feel overwhelmed by the pain, poverty and war we see around us.
And yet, in the midst of that sorrow and mourning, the birth of Jesus gives us reason to take heart and be filled with hope. God promised that the Christ child would bring comfort to all people. Jesus came to show us that those who are struggling will find new, abundant life. Those who are lowly will be lifted up. Those whose hearts are aching will find peace.
When we are tempted to feel beaten down by the weight of the world, the Christmas story reminds us that God’s peace will be the ultimate victor over all. This hymn goes on to remind us that Jesus will make paths straight that were once crooked and he will make the rough places smooth. Our life journeys might not be simple or without difficulty, but a life lived through Jesus Christ allows our hearts to be comforted by the knowledge that Christ goes before us in all of our ways.
As we share our faith in Christ, may we be a comfort to those around us who might be suffering. May God’s peace radiate from us so that others might know that God’s love. May that peace overcome any pain or sadness we may experience, when we simply allow God to enter our hearts
— Courtney Willis