November is Commitment Season, as we consider our stewardship to God through the life of First Baptist Church Greensboro.
We ask that all members of our church pledge their commitments by filling out a 2017 Commitment Card. Commitment Cards will arrive this month by mail and also be available at the church. You can return these cards in worship on Commitment Sunday, November 20. You can also send them to the church by mail, or fill out an online Commitment Card here.
As 1 Peter 4:10 reminds us, part of our calling as individuals and as a church is to be “good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” In the New Testament world, a steward cared for a household, managing resources that had been entrusted to them.
There is so much evidence of God’s grace and gifts in this season at First Baptist Church, and we have an ambitious and hopeful year planned and budgeted. We ask every member of First Baptist to think and pray about what God has entrusted to you and how you will pledge your financial resources and committed service As We Go forward to love and serve God.