Welcome College Students!
The FBC College Ministry is a group of individuals coming together to form a community. Some of us grew up at First Baptist and some of us have found a home here while in school. We have diverse backgrounds and faith stories, but all of us are committed to journey together and to follow Jesus the best we can. Our goal is to help empower each other to ask good questions, take risks, and to pursue authentic relationships. If you are interested or would like more information, contact: Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families; chris@fbcgso.org
Here are some ways you can get involved with the College Ministry at First Baptist Church Greensboro:
Sundays | Free lunch & Bible study | College students from FBC attending school in the area and students from other hometowns are welcome to join the College Ministry for a light lunch and Bible Study each Sunday after the worship service. Join Baker Lawrimore for Bible study and discussion, and enjoy a free lunch in the Café! Text Adair Suggs at (336) 456 6210 if you need a ride to the worship service. We pick up around 10:15 am at the UNCG Rock and at A & T.
Tuesdays | CBSF Dinner and Worship takes place every Tuesday night in the ACM building on UNCG campus. Dinner is at 6 pm and Worship and Bible Study starts at 6:45 pm.
Wednesdays | Free Dinner (& Classes) | Each Wednesday at MidWeek we have a fellowship meal that begins at 5:30 pm on Wednesday nights and is FREE for college students, just let us know your coming! There is no college specific programming on Wednesday nights, but you’re welcome to come eat and to stay for any of the adult classes.