The voices and leadership of all of our members are vital. Some members represent the congregation in specific positions of leadership and collaboration with our pastors and staff. Those currently serving as part of our Deacons and leadership Committees are listed below.
Deacons shall at all times regard themselves as servants of the Church. With the Pastor, and as the Holy Spirit may direct, they are to prayerfully make recommendations to the membership in all matters pertaining to the mission and ministries of the church and shall assist the Pastor in observance of the ordinances. They shall have general oversight of the upkeep, repair and use of property, shall supervise the Church’s financial program, and shall arrange and have regular meetings and establish such Committees as are necessary to the discharge of their duties.
Class of 2025
Norma Adams
Kara Cox
Louise Garcia
Clare Johnson
Thom Little
Corie McRae
Tom Smith
Laura Wall
Ruth Ward
Class of 2026
Randy Bowers
Margaret Crawford (Chair)
Scott Culclasure
Linda Danford
Hazel Fisher
Cookie Hamilton
Trisha Hooper
Lynn Huneycutt (Vice Chair)
Molly Lyle
Laura Caroline Rick (Secretary)
John Sample
Tom Townes
Class of 2027
Shane Anderson
Amelia Britt
Chris Culbreth
Chuck Frye
Bob Godfrey
Alan Johnson
Amy Grizzle Kane
Maggie Martin
Melissa Norman
Larry Putnam
Erin Robertson
Libby Shull
Committees fulfill the operational role of the Church. The Committee on Committees shall nominate to the Church in conference a list of all Standing Committees and their members each year.
The standing committees of First Baptist Greensboro are: Building and Grounds, Christina Assistance/Restoration, Committee on Committees, Endowment Trust, Finance, Mission, and Personnel. Click on each Committee to learn of the committee’s purpose and members.
Building and Grounds Committee
Duties of the Building and Grounds Committee: Establish and supervise, in consultation with the Church Staff, a program to assure the proper operations, maintenance, security and appearance of the Church’s property and buildings. Formulate recommendations for the purchase of equipment, services, and supplies required for proper maintenance and functioning of buildings and property. Evaluate external requests for use of Church facilities. Report on activities and recommendations to the Diaconate from time to time.
2025 | 2026 | 2027 |
Sharon Barlow | Alice Culclasure (Chair) | Evan Fancourt |
Nevin Rohrbaugh | Elizabeth Holleman | Cynthia Markham |
David Stone | Parker White | Ross Rick |
John Thornton |
Christian Assistance/Restoration Committee
Duties of this committee are the administration and distribution of the Christian Assistance Fund. Report receipts and disbursements monthly to the Diaconate.
2025 | 2026 | 2027 |
Marie Delgado | Kristie Ellis | Robert Nunn |
Joe Garcia | Tom Petty | Jeff Perry |
Addison Lawrimore | Lollie White (Chair) |
Committee on Committees
Duties of this committee are:
- Solicit from the congregation suggestions for the nominations of Deacons, Church Officers, and Standing Committee members except for members of the Endowment Trust Committee and the Pastoral Discernment Council. The Committee shall receive a nomination for a new Trustee for the Endowment Trust of the First Baptist Church of Greensboro from the Endowment Trust Committee (defined in Section I(d) below). The new members of the Pastoral Discernment Council are appointed by that Council (defined in Section I(g) below).
- In May, present nominations for election: twelve Deacons, five Finance Committee members, a Trustee for the Endowment Trust, and when appropriate a Church Moderator, a Church Clerk, a Church Treasurer, and an Assistant Treasurer.
- In September, the Committee shall present nominations for the election of all other Standing Committees and announce the newly appointed members of the Pastoral Discernment Council.
- The Committee on Committees shall also nominate members to fill any vacant position for Diaconate, Church officer, and any Standing Committee.
- The names of the nominees for Deacons, Church Moderator, Finance Committee, Church Officers, and other Standing Committee members shall be provided to the Membership at least two weeks prior to election.
Committee Members:
Cheryl Angel, Darlene Biffle, Megan Kesler, Graham Lyles, Tammy Miller, Ben Norman, Mery Petriskie, Beth Shaffer, Gayle Wager, Joe White, Richard Wiley
Endowment Trust Committee
Duties of this committee are: Receive and manage gifts, grants, devises, bequests, and other contributions made to the Trust and maintain those gifts and proceeds thereof, in various funds to support the ministry and mission of the Church.
2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 |
John Matthews | Tom Townes (Chair) | Andrea Harrell | Jimmy Kesler | Dale Allison |
Finance Committee
Duties of this committee are:
- Promote Biblical Stewardship along with the Endowment Trust Committee in accordance with subparagraph d., herein;
- Prepare an annual budget that is vision-driven and that shows how we as a congregation are living out in practical ways our Christian vision;
- Provide general oversight to the collection of contributions, receipts, and disbursements through the annual budget;
- Prepare regular financial reports;
- Adopt policies and procedures for receiving and accepting bequests and donations that are consistent with the Church’s mission;
- Determine whether to allocate bequests and donations received which are restricted in purpose to appropriate broad-based reserve accounts or to a specific account or accounts to comply with restricted purpose;
- Provide oversight and management to reserve accounts not otherwise overseen and managed by the Endowment Trust, including establishing policies for minimum levels of funding for the maintenance of separate Endowment Accounts;
- Recommend to the Diaconate and to the Membership the proposed goals or creation of any special funds including the intent, purpose and rules governing expenditure of said funds;
- Carry out the financial directives of the congregation, advise and make recommendations to the congregation in all financial matters;
- Receive and refer to the Diaconate all requests to solicit funds, along with appropriate recommendations;
- Assist the Church Staff in the safeguarding of collected funds until they are deposited in the appropriate financial institution;
- Conduct or cause to be conducted an annual audit of the Church’s financial statements.
2025 | 2026 | 2027 |
Dan Kennedy (Chair) | Robert Angel | Charlie Adams |
Cindy Kohler | Phil Barbee | Larry Davis |
John Markham | Nancy Culclasure | Mark Miller |
Mark McCracken | Shaun Martin | Cathy Wells |
Holly Messick | Monica Vaughan | Gayle Wiley |
Ex-Officio Members:
Pastor: Alan Sherouse
Financial Administrator: Sara Manchester
Deacon Chairman: Margarett Crawford
Church Treasurer: Dave Worsley
Assistant Church Treasurer: Penny Rowe
Missions Committee
The duties of this committee are:
- Monitor the Church’s relationship to any and all denominational and other organizations with which the church may be affiliated from time to time and to educate and engage the congregation in the mission and ministry of these entities.
- Report to the Diaconate and the Membership from time to time, as may be appropriate, regarding denominational and organizations and any matters pertaining to them and to develop a comprehensive approach to how the Church engages its missions calling.
- Develop a relationship with each mission partner that the church supports so that someone on the Missions Committee will serve as liaison to the partner and be their advocate with the Church.
- Advise the Diaconate, the Finance Committee, and the membership regarding the allocation of contributions for support of missions, educational institutions, and other purposes through denominational organizations.
- Serve as stewards of the Great Commission Fund to recommend funding for unique mission and ministry opportunities not funded through the annual budget process. This would include funding for evangelism, outreach, and mission work implemented in the Church or in the community, including support for Baptist Campus Ministry.
- Receive all requests for mission funding, investigate such requests, and make appropriate recommendations to the Diaconate, the Finance Committee, and the Membership, including the development of a schedule for and promotion of special offerings which are received by the Church.
- Provide oversight to such special reserve accounts or funds that are designated for such supervision by the Church.
2025 | 2026 | 2027 |
Dale Allison (chair) | Nancy Davis | Stephen Cox |
Mary Ellen Burke | Jessica Fancourt | Sylvia Ledford |
Janice Newsom | Sharon Starr | Laura Lomax |
Tom Sears | Lollie White | Shelby Moss |
John Setchfield | Dave Worsley | Grace Wall |
Personnel Committee
Duties of this committee:
- Formulate, adopt, and implement written personnel policies.
- Maintain job descriptions for each staff position and a current list of staff positions.
- Provide for and conduct at least annually evaluations of the Church Staff, except the Pastor.
- Provide for and conduct at least annually reviews of compensation and benefits for the Church Staff, except the Pastor, and make recommendations to the Finance Committee.
2025 | 2026 | 2027 |
Will Crawford | Brad Wall (Chair) | Melisa Lyles |
Suzanne Rohrbaugh | Pat Wilson | Susan Terrell |
Tom Townes |
Ex-Officio Member Deacon Chairman: Margaret Crawford