Hanging of the Green will once again be a part of our Advent observance. On Sunday, December 9 our youth will lead the Second Sunday of Advent morning worship which will include the adornment of our sanctuary with traditional Christmas decorations. In addition to beautiful seasonal music provided by the choir and handbells our youth will explain the origins and symbolic significance as they decorate the sanctuary with greenery, poinsettias, candles, and Chrismon trees.
In lieu of memorial and honorary poinsettias, the congregation is asked to contribute toward the purchase of new wreaths and greenery for the sanctuary. Once you have completed the form above, please bring a check to the main office or mail it to the church no later than Sunday December 16th. Please write “greenery” in the memo line of the check. Designated honorees and memorials will be listed in the order of service on December 23. If you have any questions, please contact Rosemary.
(The Fire Marshall has strongly discouraged the use of live greenery in the sanctuary.)