Christmas Communion 
for individual households

Tuesday-Wednesday, December 22-23, 4-8 p.m. in the sanctuary.

Individuals and Households are invited to attend a brief devotional service in the sanctuary between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00 pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 22-23.

The sanctuary will be decorated and candle lit, Christmas music will be provided, and members of our Pastoral staff will be on hand to greet you and serve communion.

Simply sign up below for any available time slots provided on the half hour. Confirmation will be given upon completion of the signup. Enter and exit through the main entrance (front porch) on Friendly Avenue. Please indicate if Atrium handicap entrance is required.

Participants are asked to abide by our Gathering Covenant along and Covid Safety Guidelines. 

For all of our Christmas week offerings, visit