Join us on Wednesday evenings for an adult offering class titled, “Children, Teens and Technology” with First Baptist Greensboro friend, Dr. Tamika Davis. Come to one or all of them! This free class will begin at 6 pm in Room 108-C at the back of the Fellowship Hall. Childcare and activities for children and youth are provided. If you’d like to join us for dinner beforehand, you can reserve a meal at

November 8: Empowering Parents to Support Digital Learning
This session will teach participants about the educational technology standards for K-12 students and how you can support your child at home.

November 15: AI and Education: A Parent’s Guide
In this workshop participants will learn about the basics of AI and how it is being used in education. You will also learn how to support your child’s learning at home using AI tools and resources.

November 29: Creating a Healthy Media Balance for Your Family
This workshop will provide families with the tools needed to create a media plan. Participants will learn how to set healthy limits on screen time, choose appropriate media for your child, and use media in a positive way to support your family’s goals.


About Dr. Tamika Davis 
​​Tamika M. Davis (Mika) is an educator, instructional designer, mother, and seeker of joy. She has over 25 years of education experience in K-12 and higher education. Currently, she works as an Academic Technology Specialist at UNC Greensboro. She has also worked as an Instructional Designer at Guilford College and Elon University. Previously, she was a K-12 English teacher, Reading Specialist, and librarian in both Guilford County Schools and the Houston Independent School District. Mika’s passions include fostering a positive educational experience for ALL learners, especially neurodivergent humans and those on the autism spectrum. She works to empower others to make better decisions around technology, particularly as it relates to the impact on students and their learning experiences.


If you’d like to join us for dinner before the class, you can reserve a meal at