The Sanctuary, Youth, and Young Musicians choirs along with the Orchestra and Scripture and Stage class will present the musical, Celebrate Life!, on Sunday, March 1 at 7 pm. If you are interested in singing with the Sanctuary choir, please join us for rehearsals in February (Sundays @ 7 pm or Wednesdays @ 7:15 pm). Childcare is provided during rehearsals.
Molly Canipe Lyle reflects on Celebrate Life!
As a I child who grew up at First Baptist Church I have many fond memories associated with FBC, and there are a few that stand out to me. I remember getting stuck (several times) after climbing down in the window wells that surround the fellowship hall windows of the church; I remember how cool it was discovering the hidden door in the chapel that takes you directly to the hallway; I remember spending Friday nights in the gym watching my brother play RA basketball; and I remember Celebrate Life!
The youth choir would perform Celebrate Life! every 3-4 years. So by the time I was in youth choir, I knew all the words to the songs and the motions that went with some of the songs because I had seen it 4 or 5 times already. As a child I loved watching “the big kids” sing the songs and enjoyed hearing/watching the disciples tell the story of Jesus’ life. The only “fault” I ever found with Celebrate Life! were the two times they miscast my older brother as a disciple of Jesus. No one obviously thought to ask the little sister her opinion — he just didn’t seem like disciple material to me.
When I became a youth and it came my turn to perform Celebrate Life! I was excited. At the time I don’t think I realized what being a part of Celebrate Life! meant, but now I understand that, it was one of the first times that I had the opportunity to share the story of Jesus and his love for us to anyone. How fortunate I was to be a part of a church who provided me the opportunity to share God’s love to others.
Fast-forward several decades: I have two children now who are also growing up as children of FBC Greensboro. They have heard me share memories of FBC and heard me sing songs from my youth choir days. One Wednesday night recently I was walking Julia to choir and what song was her choir practicing but one from Celebrate Life! Of course I joined in singing; much to Julia’s dismay. I am pretty sure that I can’t remember all the algebra equations I learned as a teenager, or all the ways to conjugate a Latin verb that I once knew, but I still remember that “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”; that I can quietly turn to God when I am in need and he will turn to me and help me, and that “he is alive.” All of these thoughts are from songs in Celebrate Life! and these truths of God’s love for me have stayed with me since my young days at FBC. I am so glad my children will be able to share the story of Jesus’ life with others. Thank you First Baptist for this gift.
What a wonderful testimony, Molly. I have never heard anything put any better than that.
Word to all First Baptist members: We MUST keep on giving our children these opportunities, because, as you see, they are life-altering events in their precious lives. To God be the glory!
Louise Burroughs
Love these thoughts, Molly. I also remember when Delmas Bearden’s son Bob was one of the disciples. I sang Song of Mary, and as time has gone on, I’ve pondered many times the words of that song, and what carrying the Son of God must have meant to that teenager, Mary. it was so great to get to sing that music that meant so much to us with a great group of friends– that’s why I want to sing it this year too.